Using Kjuicer: Poll results, University of Bologna 2018

Written by giampaolo.ferradini created 29 August 2019 last edit 4 years, 3 months ago
Using Kjuicer: Poll results, University of Bologna 2018


  • Test conducted with 12 Master students at the University of Bologna, Italy;

  • Testing period: 4 months;

  • Kjuicer was used in a real life context, i.e. for preparation for an exam of the Master;

  • Students completed the poll after taking the exam and receiveing their assessments.

Selected answers:

Please find here the original poll (Italian)

Written by


Giampaolo Ferradini


Founder Kjuicer & Green Gap, cofounder Condogreen Spa. 15y in startups, also as advisor to incubators & accelerators. 15y in asset management and banking including Deutsche Bank, Commerzbank. Edu: Bocconi University, MIP Politecnico di Milano.

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